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Curriculum for Life   Launch Webinar

Learn All About the Curriculum from Its Creators

Chaim Goldman
BHtv Exec. Producer

Connie Lacelle
Curriculum Developer

Dr. Kim Goldman
Homeschool Mom of 6

Dr. Jeff Hazim
BHtv Exec. Director






if you do NOT already own LFHL 2.0 on DVD or Online-Only

if you DO already own LFHL 2.0 on DVD or Online-Only


(click image for details)

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( click image to enlarge )

Lesson Planner

from Module 5

from Module 6

from Module 9

from Module 22

from Module 23

from Module 24

Change Page

Journal Page

Report Page

Test Page




LFHL 2.0 Modules: Descriptions from DVD Booklet


LFHL 2.0 DVD: Sample Videos

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Dr. Andrea Hazim

from "From Roots to Fruits"



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Dr. Jeff Hazim

from "Lions Don't Get Headaches, Do They?"





if you do NOT already own LFHL 2.0 on DVD or Online-Only

if you DO already own LFHL 2.0 on DVD or Online-Only


(click image for details)



"The Bible says that 'My people perish for lack of knowledge', 
and I realized after watching these videos, and learning the teachings 
about healthy living, of the disaster I was heading for in my life…
And I thank the LORD so many times for the teachings these tapes present!"

- Michael T.

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